
Welcome to the brainwaves of Diana - freak-on-the-way - Van Loo
Hopefully you enjoy my thoughts and want to walk with me on the freakin' way of life, faith and all that! I am told I'm a freak and the works of my grey cells are way too freaky to be taken serious, so beware :-D

Sunday, October 29, 2006


It's still very strange to read (and hear about) all the odd ways in letting eachother free (NOT) in how to praise our Lord and Saviour. For some nice thoughts about this subject, read some of one of my soulmates (you are so right, Robby, thanx for your sharing of experiences)
An artist has a free mind, (a very nice present from our Creator) why is it apparantly so difficult for some of them, to see the same need of freedom for others? Aren't we all artists, of life? Are we not made to reflect Gods pluriformity, to show all the sides of our Almighty God? Just by having some gifts and working together?
Why is it that some of us just want to press s'b else in a frame? Is it concern about the salvation of the other? Or is it because 'our way is the only right way'?
The only thing to prevent this attitude is, living very close to God, I think: Praying and especially listening. Sometimes I think: if Jesus would be in our church, would He apply for worshipleader? And IF He did, would He fit our worshipleader-profile? Or would He thunder a 'message from God' from the stage, or try to convince all of us by sitting next to us and tell a story, as He did so often when He was still among us, to let us discover the truth ourselves? Would He apply for an elder? I sometimes get the creeps when I think of Jesus walking into our nowaday life: what would He cry about, that we have a hard time to understand?
What would He say to us?: 'well done, my dear bride!'

I pray for us, to grow in relationship with our Lover!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

There's no time to think about time

I need to learn this: write down my thoughts as they appear
BUT! there's a problem, and it's NOT lack of thoughts...


Lots of things appear to be timeless. Like the way people communicate with each other, or with God, or with themselves. Again I was stunned by the power of power. Leading to destruction of characters.
Isn't it amazing that manipulation still exists in the world? Couldn't we expect that all those generations between paradise and now, should learn the surviving fittest ones that trying to stomp other living souls into frames-made-by-ME-MYSELF-I, is killing the own souls slowly but surely? Not even speaking of the stomped souls. Yeah, well, rhetorical question: the king of lies still succeeds in fogging the way we receive messages.
Friday I learned that some 50% of audible communication isn't even understood in the way it was send, and just some 10% will be remembered. The messages sent by victims of manipulation (done by or to them) will be blocked by 100%, probably. I found some fog machines, and the big one is unbelief. Especially in our christian inner circle.
Even though we are not of this world, we sometimes awfully look like we are. Misuse of power and use of manipulation is inside churches and christian organisations just as common as outside. Why is this still happening? Why can't we talk to our brothers and sisters in an open and trust full way about anything? Why is the way-of-the-Kingdom (as is a standing phrase in the Reformed liberated churches these days) in communication so often not even in sight? Why do brothers and sisters still not believe the existence of manipulation close by (and not only in the way women treat their men...)? And why is almost everybody running away from the ones who address these problems in christian circles?

Ah, well. Our first big encounter of the manipulation-kind isn't even cold yet, and one of the subjects of my study appears to be: 'how-to-run-church', with a guest speaker (Ton Wintels, yeah, Dutch :-D) who wrote a book: "Power and manipulation ... of course nonexistent among christian leaders!??". During his lecture we received a handout with some lists of characteristics of manipulative leaders, beloved things said by those leaders, how to recognize manipulative leaders or organisations, and so on. Suddenly it struck me again that the things he told us, were the same things we encountered during half a year (recently), in a christian organisation (the ones who could do something about that situation, did it, so it won't happen again! Praise God!) But even worse, those were the same things I had very very bad feelings about last week, because I saw christian-manipulation's ugly face again.
We agreed that it looks like God prepared us (my husband and me) to be the ones who are able to recognize this coming up, and have the experience to address it. I don't like it. Whoever is reading this: please pray for this situation to be solved, and for us, because it is put right in front of us (we can't even run away :-S)

to be continued...

The book of the city Tijuana - with some pictures I took

The source of our Borsoi-love: breeder Marij Tuip, The Netherlands.