
Welcome to the brainwaves of Diana - freak-on-the-way - Van Loo
Hopefully you enjoy my thoughts and want to walk with me on the freakin' way of life, faith and all that! I am told I'm a freak and the works of my grey cells are way too freaky to be taken serious, so beware :-D

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

'my' church

.... would be Jesus Christs church!
Every believer would say 'amen' to that, I pray.

But what exactly ís Jesus' church looking like these days? Sort of the same as it did some two thousand years ago? Does it take into account those two thousand years of possibility to grow? Did Jesus' church by the way learn anything during those two thousand years? What do we believe to be the best representative of His church today, in our own neighbourhood? Does that even matter: surrounding neighbourhood, culture? Is Jesus' church here with me in Holland, Dordrecht even, different, in style or expression or so, from the church somewhere else? Even somewhere else in Holland? Is Jesus' church a city church or a nature church? Is that all Jesus' church? Or are on different places different churches of Jesus? How are we as humans able to be accountable to each other? Is there a sort of blueprint to find, what the basis is where to build the church of Cornerstone Jesus on? Can we help each other to build 'our' churches while we are so different? Do we need all be the same, think the same, dress the same? Did God create culture too? As He created different environments, created different languages, created different people, created different colours..... etc., did He gave us the possibility to create His church on His earth in the same pluri-form way? Did our Creator even give us the possibilities to create ourselves? Are we Creative too? So what to do with our (lack of?) creativity; in life, in culture, in church?

I wonder what 'my' church would look like....

The book of the city Tijuana - with some pictures I took

The source of our Borsoi-love: breeder Marij Tuip, The Netherlands.