
Welcome to the brainwaves of Diana - freak-on-the-way - Van Loo
Hopefully you enjoy my thoughts and want to walk with me on the freakin' way of life, faith and all that! I am told I'm a freak and the works of my grey cells are way too freaky to be taken serious, so beware :-D

Friday, June 22, 2007

Why is the time always gone...

nope, I wasn't dying the past some months

on the contrary:

* praying about how to end my school (dutch site): with a masters? first 2 centuries? linked with post-modern 21 century? involving the one and only communications-area that seems to be relevant in a individualistic society that's dying to know how to express themselves without getting overheated..... ? yep: ARTS! (maybe I can make a PhD out of that ;-D - as I hear some rockin' freaks yell: 'dream on! you're fooling yourself, so dream on!' (Nazareth, yeah, I know, bad me, I can't help it, I just heard that phrase in my head))

* trying to get the meaning of several dreams I had: finding a cure for me, a cream, a text, a Zoo; taking cover in a ditch, getting up in the middle of a fight and remember my destiny, be in charge of a castle/fortress, defend it with 'my' army (intriguing)

* recovering fast from our F-DTS experience: a week of Joseph Avakian in the last lecturephase of the Creative-DTS in Aalesund, lots and lots of meetings with students, staff, board, directors in Norway and the leaders of the LPC course in Restenas Sweden -> experiencing the good of YwaM (the bad and ugly have a place now, they're eaten and digested - yaharrrr)

* elected to be board member for our choir 'Sjofar' (dutch site) (okay, okay, I am the naive rookie.... let's keep it that way ;-D)

* trying to find out what's the best way to build networks in the European/World artist community, if that community even exists.... and found out that there will be a conference (6-14 of July) in Mittersill, Austria, that's exactly what we had in mind (musicians, visual artists, teachings, workshops, yummm); so now I just have to figure out the cheapest way to go there....

... and of course in the first place: trying to raise our kids in a place they can call 'home': where the 5 of us are together; raise them to be the best warriors in Gods army He made them to be; raise them to see the good, bad and ugly in the world, to support the good, work on the bad, and transform the ugly, especially in the Earthly part of Gods Kingdom so that the rest of the world has no reason at all to point fingers!
And we want to teach our god given miracles in the knowledge that the only haven they can trust is Gods, and that we as parents try to represent that the best we can.

Everyday we start with the last part, usually I quit too early, try to make a little bit of all the rest, and still I ask myself 'Why's the time always gone..?' ;-D

The book of the city Tijuana - with some pictures I took

The source of our Borsoi-love: breeder Marij Tuip, The Netherlands.