
Welcome to the brainwaves of Diana - freak-on-the-way - Van Loo
Hopefully you enjoy my thoughts and want to walk with me on the freakin' way of life, faith and all that! I am told I'm a freak and the works of my grey cells are way too freaky to be taken serious, so beware :-D

Sunday, November 19, 2006


Why is it usually so easy to love the lover of my soul; when I see His artwork in my kids, or His artwork in painting skies and clouds, or the outcome of His gift in my life, the things He gives me the opportunities for, and the gifts, and the support, when I think of what He has done for me, or what He is at this very moment doing for me, the things He gives in the hearts and minds of my family and my friends, the gifts and opportunities He gives them, to be used together with eachother and together with my gifts and talents to give Him the honor He should get from His bride.

And why is it sometimes so difficult to be openminded, just standing with your arms and hands open, with nothing than myself to give, loving some other children of Him? loving the church?
Why am I not always able to see them as His beloved children, so that I love them too?

Living together as brothers???? kicking eachother around the house

Monday, November 06, 2006


Isn't it funny, the things we call 'news'?

I was thinking about saying s'th in my blog about the one thing I thought whole the world was watching yesterday, and in the meantime I visited some of my friends blogs.

Great was my surprise that virtually all the blogs talked about the newest scandal in one of the churches that are world famous on the US-side of the ocean. Sexual immorality was of course the sad content of the problem. And the secular world licked their lips: 'Yeah, sure, their God is love they say.'

On the European side of the big barrier full of waves, most of us were glued to the screen, to see again and again Saddam Husein playing his play on the stage of the world. How could he know that the part of the world he was yelling to the most, was concerned with something that really hurts (?) He kept on yelling Allahu akhbar and death to virtually the rest of the world. Maybe he doesn't take this death sentence serious, just as the one before was never acted out.

What is on our minds? What are the things we think are important?
Messages from all over the world came in the news, with almost one thought: happiness that finally the big bad man is going to be hanged. As the newsreaders stated, isn't it strange that even countries that disgust the death penalty, said this time that it is the only righteous penalty for a dictator like Saddam? Some even said this isn't penalty enough.

No, I like the approach I heard sometimes in penalties to do right (to often Jewish cases); "Why should we want to react in the same way those terrible criminals treated us? That will make us one of them."

I wish all of us lots of wisdom (applied knowledge) in reacting on the things we hear or see for the first time. Things we call news.

Isn't all the news old? Isn't it all done before? Don't we all know from history the things we should look out for, the things my mom always warned me for?

A very interesting history book talks about throwing the first stone, and nobody did.
Not even the One who was the only one fitting the profile to throw....

The book of the city Tijuana - with some pictures I took

The source of our Borsoi-love: breeder Marij Tuip, The Netherlands.