
Welcome to the brainwaves of Diana - freak-on-the-way - Van Loo
Hopefully you enjoy my thoughts and want to walk with me on the freakin' way of life, faith and all that! I am told I'm a freak and the works of my grey cells are way too freaky to be taken serious, so beware :-D

Friday, August 27, 2010

freakin' thoughts?

Well, it's been a while again... I can't seem to get into the groove, why did I ever think of writing books and stories...
Maybe it's indeed because I've been told that my thoughts are way too freaky for others, so I better not share. I'm dangerous.

Ow come on! Everybody has freakin' thoughts, right? I just CAN'T be the only alien around all normal sane human beings.
What is normal, by the way? and what's being 'sane' anyway? what's a human being? Why aren't we called elves? or halflings? or dwarfs? or navi? or avatars?
Wouldn't it be cool to not be the tallest two-legged creature on earth, or not to have round ears, or not have hairless feet, or to be blue or purple, or to bend the world around us by dancing? Wouldn't that be cool. Just because there's then more difference between races and people than we have now?

Did our creator maybe created us sort of looking the same, with just a little centimeters difference, and just a little difference in colour, to tell us we are family? Or because we just can't handle being more different than we are now?

If I could know what you have been thinking lately. Or what you do think now. Would you be alarmed? Or would you go on thinking and we start a thought-conversation? Welcoming all passing thoughts of others? About freakin' things. Of course. Who's thoughts are perfectly structured and not scary, like a mathematical system, who's road is always traceable and reproducible?

In churches are lots of guys who studied theology, and especially the older ones have fairly different (freaky) ideas than the younger ones. Then there's the lots of female minds, who probably studied the same area, that think also very different (more freaky?), but from a very different perspective.
Let me share an example of the freaky thoughts of one of our older professors in theology. After seeing the world develop as it does, world meaning the Dutch Reformed liberated tradition, okay maybe a little more of the Netherlands; this professor just wrote down his thoughts about it. His statement comes down to this: there's no leadership anymore, we need leaders as we had in the past, we need people (that is: men) again who tell the people (that is: church people) what to believe and what to think.
Now THAT's freaky thoughts. The few men the ignorant flock should listen to, are of course elected by this theologian himself or his fellow thinking thinkers. As I guess he won't ask me to be in that election board. I'm just one of those ignorant sheep who happens to be theologian too, oh and, darn, I'm a woman even, and that's the more freaky.

Who is to tell me I have freaky freakin' thoughts?! Isn't it more freaky to dream about a time when everybody is to be told what to think? Or even what to believe? By whom?

Lots of people have freaky thoughts, most of them don't turn it into something obligatory for others too, they just share. I had the feeling that this theologian is not just sharing. What if he would be the boss of thinking? Big Brother?

That's not just freaky. It's dangerous. It's an attempt to brainwashing.
Why did God give us a brain anyway? To throw it away because we don't use it, because we're not allowed to use it, by someone who insists on using his brain-thoughts, also for the rest of the world?

beep - beep - fatal error - virus detected - shut down

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