
Welcome to the brainwaves of Diana - freak-on-the-way - Van Loo
Hopefully you enjoy my thoughts and want to walk with me on the freakin' way of life, faith and all that! I am told I'm a freak and the works of my grey cells are way too freaky to be taken serious, so beware :-D

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Writing is my thing. Why isn't blogging?

Once in a while I come back to this place.
Once in a while I ask myself:
why do people read blogs?
do people read blogs?

And the always following questions:
why do people write blogs?
why don't I write blogs? Regularly, that is.

People do read blogs to learn something. Usually something they already know. Maybe because it is sort of a reminder?
People read blogs to get to follow the journey of somebody else. The same as the youth is watching all kinds of stupid vlogs to see others do the crazy stupid things they thought were too out of the box for themselves.
So people read and watch other's people's lives and forget to live themselves.
Like a song that hooked in me: about dreaming your life away.

So I guess people write blogs because they want to show 'the world' that they are living life to the max. To show that they are not wasting their lives watching other's people's lives unfold.

Today I watched (yeah) some motivational speaker, telling about the good thing of writing stuff down, to get to grips with it.
Of course this was, again, something I already knew. Because my shrinks told me exactly the same some years ago. Back then it was because they called it a burn-out.
Now I know, with me, it is a bore-out.

I don't write blogs, because I don't think others can even remotely benefit from the rabbit trails of my mind. Or others can learn from me. Or want to know what is happening in my life. The ones that do want to know what is in my life, are usually pretty close to me. We do communicate. Yeah. In real life! Often face to face, even!

Isn't that strange...
I love writing! Why, I wonder...

- probably to be continued -

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